Benefits of membership
Become a member of the National Youth Council of Ireland. Join the representative body for youth organisations in Ireland and take advantage of the benefits for your organisation:
- Influence the policy and practice agenda of youth work in Ireland
- Participate in NYCI campaigns and engage with policy makers and funders
- Inform NYCI members’ consultation responses
- Access up to date policy developments and have your views represented to government and policy makers
- Stay in the loop through monthly e-bulletins updating you on events, funding opportunities, publications and practice issues around the youth sector
- Receive regular policy briefings, and analysis of government initiatives and legislative developments that impact on young people and the youth sector
- Avail of NYCI resources, good practice guides, policy and research reports
- Link with a named NYCI staff member who will act as the regular contact for your organisation
- Enjoy up to 50% discount on NYCI training courses
- Be eligible for Garda Vetting Consortium membership
- Access bespoke training packages in child protection, development education, equality and inclusion, youth arts and youth health
- Receive tailored advice and guidance on youth work issues
- Access NYCI expert speakers for members’ conferences and events
- Network and collaborate with other NYCI members to share knowledge and expertise
- Attend networking events, members meetings, and consultation workshops
- Participate in a range of committees and networks including NYCI’s International Advisory Committee, Policy and Advocacy Committee, and the Specialist Organisations Network
- Nominate representatives and have full voting rights at NYCI’s AGM
- Stand for election to NYCI’s Board of Directors
- Nominate to a range of external strategic groups, forums and international opportunities through NYCI
For further information or to discuss the benefits of membership contact us on E: T: 01 478 4122
Who can be a member?
NYCI is the national representative body for voluntary youth organisations. Currently we have 54 member organisations working with over 380,000 young people.
Membership is open to voluntary, not for profit or non-governmental organisations or agencies that have an interest in the youth sector in Ireland.
Membership criteria
Membership of NYCI is open to any voluntary or community sector organisation whose work involves delivering youth work services to young people under 25 or are advocating on behalf of young people and that agree with NYCI’s vision where all young people are empowered to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to realise their potential and to actively participate in an inclusive society that values and respects them.
Applications for membership will be decided on by the NYCI Board following receipt of the report of the Membership Review Committee.
Join now
To apply for membership, simply download and complete the application form.
International Advisory Committee
There are various opportunities to get involved in International Youth Work. Represent NYCI and Irish young people at international seminars and events, meeting young people from all over the world to discuss issues that affect young people and influence decision makers; Organise an Exchange; Attend youth events in Ireland to discuss issues that affect young people worldwide.